The wonderful Purple Sage Fem asked "Some questions for FtMs"
Gosh, I’ve been watching tons of FtM videos. I really want to understand. But I’m always unsatisfied, because everyone stays on surface level. I like to get to the root of the issue and tackle the hard questions.
FtMs who make YouTube videos always say they knew they were trans because of vague feelings of “not liking my body” and “feeling like a guy.” But how is this different from every other woman not liking her body and how can someone who is female feel “like a guy,” exactly?
So here is a list of questions, complete with follow-up questions, that come to mind when I watch FtM videos. I don’t really expect to ever get these answered, but here goes:...... Full text in link
- Please explain in your own words what a “man” is and what a “woman” is.
Some questions for FtMs
I've had those questions running round my head for months and I've thrown a lot of them at my daughter.
There good questions, they get to the root of the inconstancies of the trans doctrine and the dogma of Gender Identity and blow them out the water.
It took me ages to work out why they didn't work.